Shop By Outdoor Interest
Australia's favourite outdoor brand has all the camping, off-road, and outdoor gear and advice you need for your next trip or event!
Get Out There With OZtrail!
At OZtrail, weโve got all the camping gear you need for your next outdoor endeavour. Whether youโre a seasoned camper or just starting out, our range is designed for everyoneโfamilies, mates, and solo explorers alike. From tents, swags, and sleeping bags to camping chairs, outdoor storage, and first aid essentials, weโve got the basics covered. Plus, our selection of camp ovens, BBQ gear, and utensils makes outdoor cooking a breeze.
For those extended trips, check out our camping fridges, coolers, and portable power options to keep you energised and ready for anything. Whether youโre hitting the Aussie outback, the park, or the beach, OZtrailโs high-quality camping supplies are built to make every adventure memorable. Shop online and find the perfect gear to make your next camping trip the best one yet!
Discover the best camping gear and camp set up advice for your next trip with OZtrail.
4WD & Caravan
Kit out your 4WD or Caravan with essential accessories for a fun and hassle-free trip.
Beach Days
Relax in style with our beach accessories and equipment perfect for those warm beach days.
Outdoor Catering
Provide and set up restaurant-worthy food with OZtrail's tableware & kitchen gear.
Hiking & Trekking
Climb and conquer the trails with hiking and backpacking gear from OZtrail.
Campfire Cooking
Prep and cook on open flames with OZtrail's campfire cooking gear.
Commercial Events
Set up the ultimate outdoor commercial event or market stall with OZtrail gazebos and accessories.
Kids Outdoor Gear
Discover the kid-sized outdoor equipment you need for comfort for all.
Camp Cooking
All the recipes and cooking equipment you need for your next family camp trip.
Survival Essentials
Prepare and equip your party with the essential, potentially life-saving gear you need.